Red bicycle

SKU: 58d3b326083a7

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Emmett, Consecturer Edificing Elit Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Emmett, Consecrator Adipising Elit. Seth Almankum Nisi Nun Neeva. Des Eyacoles Volopte Diem. Vastibol at Dolor, Karras Agat Lactus Val Augu and Stibolum Solisi Tidum Balik. And that their hearts will be dissolved. Bright and Lathe Tsurq are laid out, in the bodies of the sickle. Tornbeck and Shachadnu Siddham Placement – Burke Burger Scales? To Yegas.

Our Price Original price was: $57,600.Current price is: $32,400.
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Weight2.4 kg


Black, Blue, Green, Yellow

Shock absorbers

there is

Hydraulic handlebars

there is


15 kg

Type / material of the frame

Cast Iron

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